Saturday, March 20, 2010

I confess

I confess that I am not working out as much as I should be to get rid of this shelf my c-section has created on my lower abdomen.

I love being a mom and always knew I would...So I have never complained about doing anything associated with taking care of Em.

I ate a nutty buddy bar for breakfast....*gasp*

I hate only getting to be a mommy when I am at home. When I go out everyone wants to hold her non-stop, and bc I live with her I feel like I have to let them.

Should be totally grateful my mother in law watches her for 2 hours till Shane gets home from work, but I secretly wish someone else could do it.

I hate my cat now that I have a baby and feel really guilty about it since he is suuuuuch a sweet little guy!

That I have baby fever and as much as I dont want to miss any of Emmys baby years...I wouldnt be totally mad if I got pregnant again immediately.(uh-oh Shane-sorry!)

I am jealous that I pay $30 a week on a can of formula and the girls at work who live with their babies daddies get it for free.

I hope my friends that are pregnant don't have girls....that way I dont have to let them borrow Em's clothes.

Awh man... it feels good to get that out too. I have kind of just been hanging on to a few things that were making me frustrated and I didn't even realize it. I feel so guilty even typing some of the things out! But now that I have owned up to it maybe I can let it go!

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