Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Emmy Lou is TWO


Everyone says they can't believe their kid is another year older...and that's honestly because we really can't! Time just won't slow down, and so I find myself the mother of a two year old. A very energetic, smart, gorgeous, and funny little two year old.
I had her preparing for her big day telling her she was having a party and chanting "!" so she was amped when she woke up to a decorated house!
We had a small get together with just immediate family. It was perfect since I also had to split the weekend with spending time with Shane. I am so thankful he was able to be here for her special weekend too.

She loved playing with her cousin Tucker and bopping the pinata with a vacuum so read that right! (I couldn't figure out the pull a string deal and ended up ripping the whole lot out!) she even blew out her own candle! I couldn't be prouder of the little person she has become.
Happy 2nd birthday my little Pooter pot pie!

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