And pretend I posted this then!
It was Emerson's very first holiday ever..and this year was her third time celebrating. She has changed so much in the last 2's amazing to compare.
2010 |
2011 |
I always make it a point to celebrate every holiday with her. No matter how small or how young she is I always make a big deal out of them, like some crazy lady whipping up heart shaped pancakes, and taking the time to cut <3 know the type!
It was a little bit different this year since it was our first Valentines Day without Daddy. That was a little rough for me. Considering it was the first heart day we have been apart. Well that ..and add in the fact that 4 years ago on 2/14 we sat around a hibachi grill as he placed an open ring box in front of me just as I was turning around. I'll be the first to admit how cliche' that date is to get engaged...however it is mine, so I must own it!
So Em and I made sure we thought of Daddy and sent him this :
I have just as much more fun than she does celebrating. Annd I really hope I can pass that love I have for every holiday on to her. They sure do make some super sweet memories.
As Emer would say the chalk-rit(chocolate) and yayi-pops(lollipops) we're total hits. She couldn't wait another second to tear into the wrapper, and I couldn't tell which one she loved more. We made the most out of our day together and I am grateful I was able to share it with my little love bug.