Hold on....*GASP*...
Ok! it's ok...I'm ok.
My little puddin pop has just turned one..I hate how fast these months are going! Even though I am amazed at how much she has changed..I don't want to believe it. I am the mother of a one year old.....There, fine I said it!(still doesn't feel like it though).
Anyways, Emmy had a great day. She loves to play with other kids..I basically couldn't get her to do anything else.
I did a lot of prepping for her party which had a ladybug theme! I made her outfit..and all the decorations. It was a lot...but I wanted everything to be perfect, because she is perfect(TO ME). We had crafts, lot's of food, games, cake and of course more present's that she could care less about. I tried to take a moment to soak everything in as I looked at her while she smiled during her "Happy Birthday" song..then that moment was interrupted by my inner monolouge..."why aren't you taking pictures or video?!"..."I am seriously going to miss this...where is my camera?". "I am a freak".
Lastly, I would like to add that I love her and everything that she has brought to my life..I am so lucky, and these last 12 months are proof that dreams do come true.

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