So we spent a week in Charlotte. It was really nice since our hotel was in the snobby Ballentyne area. We ate wonderfully prepared meals every night, took Emerson swimming for the first time, shopped, and relaxed in the hotel during the day's. It was great to get out of our usual routine...and even better to not have to make our bed, do dishes, vacuum you know all the normal daily chores a mom has to do to keep her house from looking like one featured on hoarders. We stayed right on the golf course where Tiger Woods was playing. It was so pretty, if we planned on staying in NC then we would probably move to that area, for my family's sake Florida is on our mind. We have a 4 year plan to pay our house off and get moved!
But back to this last week's event's, Emerson loved the water..She splashed and giggled...the water was a bit chilly so there was a time or two everytime a new part of her body got wet her eyes got really big and her arms sprung out from her sides...So for that reason we didn't stay in long, once she got used to the water she didn't seem to mind though.
Last Sunday I threw a baby shower for my friend Stacy who is having a girl she is naming Macy. It was awesome to see her since she lives in TN now and I was so glad she came back for a shower. My friend Kelly found out she was having a girl on monday. 2010 is definitely the year of the girl. EVERY new/pregnant mom I know has/is having a girl! It's the best. Every mom should experience having a little lady. It's the best!
Well you know I can't leave you without pictures from this week.