We are pregnant! It was a bittersweet moment... I finally took a test while at work..I stopped by the store on my lunch break and instantly it turned positive, this is the picture I sent my husband.
Just 3 months ago we miscarried and so it was hard to be as excited this time around. You kind of feel like you can't be truly happy because of the previous let down. So I am taking it slow, keeping my emotions gaurded. And definately not telling anyone until the second trimester...there is nothing harder than untelling everyone. We are hoping for a healthy pregnancy this time :)
Our nuggets first picture! 9 weeks old on 6-3-09!
We found out we were expecting on 5/8/09. Had our first appointment and baby Moore is on track and healthy! We call him/her mcnugget because that's pretty much what they looks like right now!